Planning Board Recap | September 11

At its meeting on September 11, 2024, the Town of Duck Planning Board conducted the following business:

  • The Board members completed their review and voted to recommend a draft ordinance amending the standards and definition for residential Lot Coverage.  The revised ordinance includes exemptions for artificial turf and water in swimming pools consistent with recently adopted State legislation, 100% credit for pervious parking surfaces, and 40% credit for pervious surfaces used elsewhere on a property.  This proposed text amendment will be considered at the October 2nd Town Council meeting, with a public hearing on the matter likely on November 6th.
  • As part of its review of a 2024 Planning Trend report published by the American Planning Association and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, the Planning Board learned about national trends surrounding transportation including policies/spending on roads versus alternative forms of transportation, pedestrian bicycle safety, car-free downtowns, innovative parking practices, and issues with electric/autonomous vehicles.  Community Planner Jim Gould provided an update on activities of the Outer Banks Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Coalition.
  • Community Development staff updated the Board about design/permitting of Teresa Court stormwater management improvements, replacement of a retaining wall north of Tuckahoe Drive, and presentations regarding the NC Highway 12 resiliency project at several workshops and conferences.