CAMA Land Use Plan Update
The Planning process is an opportunity for residents and business and property owners of Duck to tell their story and help shape the distinct vision and unique identity for the community. The Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) requires each jurisdiction in the 20 coastal counties to have a local land use plan in accordance with guidelines established by the Coastal Resources Commission (CRC). The current Town of Duck CAMA Core Land Use Plan was adopted in 2005. This project will focus on reevaluating community conditions and sentiment and updating the plan. With extensive public outreach and participation, residents will create a blueprint for Duck to achieve the community's collective vision.
The Plan looks at the interconnectedness between land uses, transportation, utilities, recreation, economic development, and the like. Typically, these plans focus heavily on physical development suitability, address where new development should occur, and other topics that may be identified through the public involvement process. Land Use Plans are not regulations themselves, but rather serve as policy tools and guidelines for community decision making, especially by Town staff and elected and appointed leadership.
To help with the land use plan update, the Town has engaged consultants from Stewart to guide the community through the plan update process. Because the future land use planning process is customized to the town and involves extensive community input, it will take 11-12 months to complete and will culminate in the Town Councilors reviewing and adopting the plan in the Spring of 2020.
The Process
View the current comprehensive & land use plan.
Extensive public participation was a key component of the Comprehensive and CAMA Land Use Plan update and you, the community, were consulted throughout the process. Your thoughts, ideas, and participation were vital for the success of this effort. Over the course of the project, we hosted several public meetings where we asked for your input and feedback on the Plan as it was developed. The larger, more prominent public engagement opportunities were:
- Stakeholder meetings (May 22-23, 2019) – COMPLETE
- Online community survey – COMPLETE
- Public open house workshop (September 17, 2019) – COMPLETE
- Public comment period on Draft Plan (February 13 – March 18, 2020) – COMPLETE
- Public Open House – Tuesday, March 3, 2020 – COMPLETE
- Planning Board Regular Meeting: July 8, 2020, 6:30 p.m. – COMPLETE
- Town Council Regular Meeting: August 5, 2020, 7:00 p.m. – COMPLETE
- Public Hearing for local adoption of the CAMA Land Use Plan: October 6, 2021, 6:00 p.m. – COMPLETE
- Public comment period on locally adopted plan. – COMPLETE
- Approval by the Coastal Resources Commission – November 17, 2021 – COMPLETE
Throughout the process, a Council-appointed Advisory Committee provided review and guidance at plan development milestones. Appointed members and affiliations are listed below.
Henry Blaha | Property Owner/Full-Time Resident |
Jon Britt | Duck Town Council |
Doug Brook | Property Owner/Part-Time Resident |
Nancy Caviness | Duck Town Council |
James Cofield | Duck Planning Board |
Leigh Raskin | Wave Pizza/Duck Merchants Assoc |
Ed Sadler | Duck Board of Adjustment |
Jeff Shields | Seaside Property Management |
Sandy Whitman | Duck Planning Board |
Project contacts
Town of Duck
Joe Heard, AICP, Director of Community Development
Phone: 252-255-1234
Jay McLeod, AICP (Project Manager)
Phone: 919-866-4858