Below are links (in PDF format) to various Land Use and Miscellaneous permit forms. If you have a particular question with regard to any of these forms, please e-mail us at and reference “Permit Forms” in the subject. If you require these forms in a different form, please contact our office or e-mail us and we will be glad to send you the forms in Word format. Fees are published in the Adopted Fee Schedule and are subject to change.
Land Use Permits
Application for an Appeal
Application to the Zoning Board of Adjustment to appeal a determination of the zoning administrator
Special Use Permit Application
Application for a Conditional Use/ Special Exception Permit/ Group Development Permit Application.
Zoning Amendment Petition
Application to rezone the current classification of a particular parcel of property; Application to request a zoning text amendment to the zoning ordinance
Application for a Variance
Application for a zoning variance
Application for Minor Home Occupation Permit – Application for a Minor Home Occupation
Site Plan Application
Site Plan Application for Commercial Development Projects
Miscellaneous Permits
Application for Error in Building Location
Application for Administrative Approval of an Error in Building, Structure, or Site Feature Location; allows administrative approval up to a maximum 10% of the minimum yard requirement.
Application for Reduction of Minimum Yard Requirements
Application for Administrative Approval of a Reduction in Minimum Yard Requirements for Existing Single Family Homes pursuant to Section 156.054 or 156.055
Sign Permit Application
Sign Permit (ground mounted, wall mounted and window mounted)
Temporary Sign Permit Application
Temporary Sign Permit (ground mounted, wall mounted and window mounted)
Automatic Alarm Permit Application
Permit to operate any mechanical or electrically operated device designed to monitor and/or detect fire, unauthorized intrusion or an emergency situation and which transmits a warning signal by any means.